Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Know about Alternative Fuel

Alternative fuels are called as non conventional or advanced fuels. They are any materials or substances that can be used as fuels instead of conventional fuels. Conventional fuels can be petroleum, coal, propane and natural gas.

Now, there are number of alternatives available, those can help to reduce the emissions of vehicle. These alternative fuel's contribution to reduce the Co2 can change, this contribution depending on from where they are sourced and how they are manufactured. There are some fuel alternatives. Such as:

  • Biodiesel: It is renewable fuel. Generally, it is produced from the oil of crops, these crops can be oil seed rape, sunflowers and soybeans, and from waste cocking oils. In general, biodiesel is obtainable from weak mix of 5 percent biodiesel and 95 percent ultra low sulfur diesel.
  • Bioethanol: It is a liquid biofuel as biodiesel. It is produced from starch plants, sugar plants and sometimes it can be produced from fermentation after distillation and dehydration. Generally, bioethanol is obtainable from a mix of 5 percent of ethanol and 95 percent of unleaded petrol.
  • Liquid petroleum: It is mix of propane and butane, it is produced as a by product of refining, or natural gas fields. It is most suited one for cars and light as a alternative and it is not used for heavy vehicles.
  • Electricity: Electric vehicles, which can be run through the electricity. They are powered by on board batteries.
  • Natural gas: This can be made from methane. This is made from oil and gas fields throughout the world. Generally, people use this for the purpose of cooking and heating. Natural gas can be stored in the form of liquid when it used as alternative fuel in vehicles.
  • Biogas: It is also called as liquid biomethane. It is produced by breaking down organic matter by a process of microbiological activity.
These are alternatives of the fuel. They were introduced to reduce the impact of climate change. But mainly pollution can be reduced by driving them more economically.

Related Links:
Electric fuel pump

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