Friday, February 10, 2012

Things Which Could Lead to Bad Hiring Decisions

Many a times hiring managers fail to recruit correct people for the profile they are looking for. In many instances they make wrong decisions due to various reasons either knowingly or unknowingly. Sometimes they fall in a dilemma whether the person suits the job or not. This sometimes may rise due to the increased stress. This situation usually happens during the time of direct walk ins and when a huge number of crowd walks in for the interviews. In order to reduce the stress one can schedule the interviews to the next coming days by planning it properly. For now let us see some more things which may lead to bad hiring decisions.

High work pressure: High work pressure always leads to bad hires as they show negative impact on the mindset of recruiting. This reduces their strength in decision making and make them take inappropriate decisions.

Bad work mood: There are many factors in and around the person which may alter the mood of the person. May it be a personal problem or any internal issue related to the work. It makes them inactive and increases the chance of wrong decision making.

Losing patience: There are situations which make the recruiters to loose their patience. If they carry the same mood for interviewing the candidate they may take wrong decisions regarding the person and can also loose a person who is effective enough for that job profile.

Getting distracted or attracted: There are few recruiters who either get attracted by the way people speak or by the way people present themselves. Some times there are situation in which a wrong assumption on the skills of the person might make them adopt wrong hiring strategies.

These are few things which may lead the recruiters to take wrong decisions during the recruiting process. So, it is often necessary to take the interview with a cool state of mind and by following particular strategy for hiring process.

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